Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nothing Like Degrassi

I went to a pretty ghetto high school. It was predominantly hispanic, there were a few caucasians african americans, and a handful of asians. It wasn't the jocks vs nerds. In our school if you were a jock, chances were you might have been ridiculed. All of our sports teams sucked, and no one attended any sport matches. There were a few people who were considered nerds but they weren't teased. People were separated into groups but no one was judged or made fun of for it. There were a group kids who had their on table playing like card games such as yu gi oh(i think that's what is called). There were also the spanish rockers, hip hoppers, emo, piasas, brazers, goths, gangsta, rotc and overwhelming amount of ghetto kids.  Yet everyone got along with one another. There was no sense of hierachy, no queen bees. You can talk to anyone and be friends with anyone. It was a pretty liberal minded group of people considering the type of school we attended . I think everyone was accepting of one another because of all the rules imposed on us. We had to pass through metal detecters, wear uniforms, and had to have an id on us everywhere we went. Every student had to abide by those restrictions placed on us. Therefore we felt like a community. Prisoners of the same school. I think that's one reason no one cared so much for cliques. It's also another reason why i really like that i went to that high school. Looking back at it now i can really appreciate how open everyone was. I mean come on my good friend one homecoming queen, even though he's a boy and gay. Which is still a bit taboo in the latino culture. So here's to you Benito Juarez.  

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