Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gifts! OM nom noms!

Everyone loves gifts, but who said that a gift had to be an object or something of exchange?  I think that in different cultures gifts vary in terms of meaning. To me though gifts don't have to be material objects. They can be a hug or a smile. A gift could be just waking up everyday and knowing you're alive. Isn't that a gift? Isn't being able to be educated and being able to discuss open minded questions like this a gift? Especially now in our time where the economy is lacking we should be thankful to be where we are right now. 

Also of course there can be free gifts that is if you're referring to an object given to someone. You give because you care about someone and because you want to. If there is obligation or something to be expected from the person who receives the gift that's not a gift. That's trade. I don't know what kind of people expect things from gifts but I don't think I want to know. That seems to be greed to me

P.s. I hope this picture made you smile! That's my gift for you!

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