Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It sure is a shame.

It's a shame, but the fact of the matter in today's society is that TIME IS MONEY! The idea of time being a gift is a very nice thought, but just like any other gift, we as the human race would take it for granted. In fact, it just occurred to me that, humans do a very interesting thing with gifts, which is not to accept them. Every time we have a gift, it is in our nature to assign it a purpose. Time is money, life is to procreate and legs are for good ol' fashion hard work. At one point I'm sure we did consider time as a gift to us, and something to enjoy, but we also made currency equal enjoyment. It's funny how we don't take anything as is, and instead have to turn it into something else we feel is a better use for our gifts. Everyone still has those days where they are just happy to be alive, or happy to walk around, go to the museum walk by the lake, etc. It's all good, and we do have the capability to appreciate our gifts for a day at a time, but with that comes the racking guilt that we spent an ENTIRE day relaxing, instead of making money, furthering our careers or increasing our opportunities. The idea of appreciating life and relaxing has now been turned into guilt (another gift we spoiled) and so it is, human nature is to not accept gifts. kinda sad.

What is important though, is as human, realizing we are capable of enjoying these gifts, and just chosing to use the time we are giben to making money. It's a common, societal decision. Once you realize it, you don't feel so bad spending your time making money, or likewise, taking a day off to enjoy the sweeter things.

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